Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Count your blessings Wednesday

I'm extremely lucky. Despite what a lot of people say about how Melv is lucky for having found me, I think I am extremely lucky to have found him. Because really, I am the lucky one. 

I found a man who loves me for who I am, who renders me support when I need it most, who listens although he has an extremely short attention span, and he does all these unconditionally. 

He would have no complaints when I have to alter our plans just to accommodate certain commitments that I made. He patiently sits there on the day of his leave at my house, watching me assemble a last minute cake order. He listens to me when I am feeling awful or when I had a lousy day. He gives in to me all the time. He appreciates me, and shows it whenever he can. He puts me first in many decisions he make. He never raises his voice at me and always tries to understand me and my little imperfect ways. He remembers the things I say, no matter how insignificant they are. I don't know how he does it, but he does. Through his ways, he reminds me that I am human, and I can depend on him. I don't have to always steel myself and fight on my own. 

He annoys the heck out of me whenever he asks me endless questions that make me think so hard. He forces me to make decisions about what we would be going to do for the weekend or where we should go for dinner. He makes fun of me from the little things that he find out about me, but I wouldn't change him for anyone else in the world, because there will probably be no one who knows me as much as he does, no one who would put in as much effort as him, and no one who would love me as unconditionally as him.

And for this, I am thankful. 

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