Monday, July 11, 2011


14 June 2011

I finally got a chance to go out to the town today!
to run some errands but at least i got out to see what's outside!
we waited for the taxi for one hour (YES ITS THAT LONG)
journey out to the town was about 1/2 hours cos it was school time so it was pretty congested.
the stores here are basically like those we see in little india.

didnt have any proper meals today.
they have this porridge gruel called kanji. surprisingly quite nice.
that bruise still hurts lol.
after running the errands we came back and went out for sightseeing!
we went to 2 holy places before going to a new meditation centre that Visaka manual is building. (yes they call nuns manual there)

the funniest thing is it rained each time we were visiting somewhere. awesome right. then their rain is rain then stop then rain again then stop again one.

the journey to each place was loooooooong. but i would say its worth the bumpy rides. cos the scenary was super nice.

btw the roads are so bumpy that i woke up with bruises here and there.
yes, that bumpy.

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