Thursday, November 11, 2010

i think i have such a tiring draining life.
but hey, i dont go around telling the whole world about this because i really don't want sympathy.
though i do hope that you people would stop hoping for me to keep giving and giving, because this is just what i find myself no longer capable of doing.
okay i digressed alrd.
what i wanted to do was to write a letter to someone, someone whom i really am unable to see eye to eye with.

*in case any of you come back 4-6 years down the road later to 'settle scores', i'll just make it clear now that if you think i am referring to you, then it's you. and i gather you should self reflect rather than coming back to settle these kind of scores because if a person like me can only see the bad side of you, it means you are really pretty bad and don't have much good points.*

oh, and btw, come to me directly if you wanna know the truth, don't go to my parents. so downright embarrassing for yourself.

**disclaimer: read this with an objective view

i've never liked you much after all those stories that i heard about you since i was young. seriously, who would like a person who did black magic on his own family members, not even letting off young children of 4-6 years of age? who would like a person whose kids were such bullies and went around pinching us each time they saw us, leaving us blue blacks? but still, i tell myself to take these comments about you with a pinch of salt. they were stories that were already over, and i can't remember anything about it. those were your kids, since they are unable to behave, i guess they are just too wild. i give you the respect whenever i see you, but to the bare minimum.

i've seldom seen you around, probably because you were never around fulfilling your responsibilities. if you were, i would have definitely heard about you once or twice. and i quote from someone dear to me, "when your parents were well and healthy, u took off, running away from your responsibilities." you left the responsibilities to someone else, and now what are you back for?

what do you have to say about yourself? as much as i would still like to think of you as an okay person, i'm sorry to say that i can't bring myself to.

your mother was down with stomach flu and what were you doing? sitting in the hall the whole day, watching television. are you sure that you are able to take care of her when she goes over to where you are at when she is older?

your father was lying on the hospital bed, looking very frail, and what did you do? took your own sweet time to get to the ward, and when you were there, u went to every other person's bed instead of your own dad's and continued talking to others. when you finally came over you actually said that he looked better? were you actually around during the family meetings when they were mentioning that he is very depressed and wanted the doctor to end his life if he couldn't undergo the operation or were you fantasizing about the amount of money you were going to receive?

i don't see how your supplements are going to save his life. if you don't have money (which you do since you are always claiming you have 2324525234 maids at home) then u put in the effort. but you do nothing and hope to receive everything.

hi, but get back down to earth.

you're so great with your words and i think its very clear to everyone, including bystanders, what kind of person you are. every action that you took which i saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears just made me feel that you are out to fight for that one thing.

you're not a good person at all. downright to the bones. don't talk about seniority and respect whenever the topic comes in because you have done nothing and deserve the same in return. you reap what you sow, sir. and the amount of great things you have done for those orphans over there are really not enough to make up for the bad karma that you have accumulated towards your own family.

so long,

from: karma awaits you.

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